Data Structures | Namespaces | Functions

/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/log/latex.hpp File Reference

Defines a logger writing a LaTeX document. More...

#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include "viennafem/forwards.h"
#include "viennafem/log/interface.hpp"
#include "viennafem/cell_quan.hpp"
#include "viennamath/manipulation/latex.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

class  rt_latex_dt_dx_processor< CellType, InterfaceType >
 Defines a custom LaTeX processor for cell_quan expressions. More...
class  latex_logger< InterfaceType >
 The LaTeX logger class. More...


namespace  viennafem

The main namespace for ViennaFEM. All user functionality resides in this namespace.

namespace  viennafem::detail

Contains implementation details of ViennaFEM not intended to be used by the library user directly.


template<typename EquationArray , typename InterfaceType >
void write_strong_form (EquationArray const &pdes, latex_logger< InterfaceType > &log)
 Implementation for writing the strong form to LaTeX.
template<typename EquationArray , typename InterfaceType >
void write_weak_form (EquationArray const &weak_form, latex_logger< InterfaceType > &log)
 Implementation for writing the weak form to LaTeX.
template<typename EquationArray , typename InterfaceType >
void write_coordinated_weak_form (EquationArray const &weak_form, latex_logger< InterfaceType > &log)
 Implementation for writing the coordinated weak form to LaTeX.
template<typename EquationArray , typename InterfaceType >
void write_transformed_weak_form (EquationArray const &weak_form, latex_logger< InterfaceType > &log)
 Implementation for writing the transformed weak form to LaTeX.
template<typename EquationArray , typename InterfaceType >
void write_test_and_trial_space (EquationArray const &test_space, EquationArray const &trial_space, latex_logger< InterfaceType > &log)
 Implementation for writing the test and trial spaces to LaTeX.
template<typename InterfaceType >
void write_linear_solver_stats (latex_logger< InterfaceType > &log)
 Implementation for writing linear solver statistics to LaTeX.
template<typename InterfaceType , typename T >
latex_logger< InterfaceType > & operator<< (latex_logger< InterfaceType > &logger, T const &t)
 Convenience overload for streaming text to a LaTeX logger.

Detailed Description

Defines a logger writing a LaTeX document.