/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/boundary.hpp [code] | Provide convenience routines for setting boundary conditions |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/cell_quan.hpp [code] | Defines ViennaMath extensions: Piecewise constants (constants on each cell) and piecewise functions (expressions on each cell) |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/fem.hpp [code] | Main include file for ViennaFEM. Just includes the necessary files for running FEM. Does not include IO-routines |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/forwards.h [code] | This file provides the forward declarations for the main types used within ViennaFEM |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/linear_pde_options.hpp [code] | Provides a set of options (i.e. metainformation) for each PDE specified via ViennaMath |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/linear_pde_system.hpp [code] | A class collecting properties of a linear PDE system |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/mapping.hpp [code] | Sets up and handles the local-to-global map (handles degrees of freedom) |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/pde_assembler.hpp [code] | Defines the assembly function to be used by the library user |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/transform.hpp [code] | Provides transformation routines for converting integrals on elements in physical space to elements in reference orientation |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/unknown_config.hpp [code] | Configures the finite element space for a particular unknown |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/weak_form.hpp [code] | Derives the weak form of a PDE given in strong form |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/bases/all.hpp [code] | Provides a factory which returns the respective basis functions on the reference cell |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/bases/hexahedron.hpp [code] | |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/bases/line.hpp [code] | Defines the various basis functions for lines |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/bases/quadrilateral.hpp [code] | Defines the various basis functions for quadrilaterals |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/bases/tetrahedron.hpp [code] | Defines the various basis functions for tetrahedra |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/bases/triangle.hpp [code] | Defines the various basis functions for triangles |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/detail/assembler.hpp [code] | Provides an internal assembler class which performs the actual assembly of the system of linear equations |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/io/vtk_writer.hpp [code] | Defines a routine for writing a FEM solution to a VTK file (can be processed with e.g. ParaView) |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/log/api.hpp [code] | Provides functions for logging |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/log/interface.hpp [code] | Defines the runtime interface for a logger |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/log/latex.hpp [code] | Defines a logger writing a LaTeX document |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/quadrature/hexahedron.hpp [code] | Provides quadrature rules for hexahedra |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/quadrature/line.hpp [code] | Provides quadrature rules for lines |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/quadrature/quad.hpp [code] | Main header file for all quadrature rules. Provides convenience functions for deducing the quadrature rule automatically |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/quadrature/quadrilateral.hpp [code] | Provides quadrature rules for quadrilaterals |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/quadrature/tetrahedron.hpp [code] | Provides quadrature rules for tetrahedra |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/quadrature/triangle.hpp [code] | Provides quadrature rules for triangles |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/transform/dtdx_hexahedron.hpp [code] | Provides the transformation coefficients of an arbitrary hexahedron to the unit hexahedron |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/transform/dtdx_interval.hpp [code] | Provides the transformation coefficients of an arbitrary interval to the unit interval |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/transform/dtdx_quadrilateral.hpp [code] | Provides the transformation coefficients of an arbitrary quadrilateral to the unit square |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/transform/dtdx_tetrahedron.hpp [code] | Provides the transformation coefficients of an arbitrary triangle to the unit tetrahedron |
/export/development/ViennaFEM/viennafem/transform/dtdx_triangle.hpp [code] | Provides the transformation coefficients of an arbitrary triangle to the unit triangle |