Public Member Functions

linear_pde_options Class Reference

#include <linear_pde_options.hpp>

Public Member Functions

long data_id () const
 Returns the ID used for storing mapping and boundary information.
void data_id (long new_id)
 Sets the ID used for storing mapping and boundary information.
long trial_space_id () const
 Returns the ID of the trial space to be used.
void trial_space_id (long new_id)
 Sets the ID of the trial space to be used.
long test_space_id () const
 Returns the ID of the test space to be used.
void test_space_id (long new_id)
 Sets the ID of the test space to be used.
bool check_existing_mapping () const
 Specifies whether an existing mapping from a previous FEM run should be reused.
void check_existing_mapping (bool b)
 Specifies whether an existing mapping from a previous FEM run should be reused.

Member Function Documentation

bool check_existing_mapping (  )  const [inline]

Specifies whether an existing mapping from a previous FEM run should be reused.

void check_existing_mapping ( bool  b  )  [inline]

Specifies whether an existing mapping from a previous FEM run should be reused.

void data_id ( long  new_id  )  [inline]

Sets the ID used for storing mapping and boundary information.

long data_id (  )  const [inline]

Returns the ID used for storing mapping and boundary information.

long test_space_id (  )  const [inline]

Returns the ID of the test space to be used.

void test_space_id ( long  new_id  )  [inline]

Sets the ID of the test space to be used.

long trial_space_id (  )  const [inline]

Returns the ID of the trial space to be used.

void trial_space_id ( long  new_id  )  [inline]

Sets the ID of the trial space to be used.

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